U-BP Number
Your U-BP Number can help your business grow!
What is the U-BP Number?
The Universal Business Profile is a unique seven-digit identifier for businesses only.
With this number, a commercial profile is established in Transportation Bureau which is used by Freight Forwarders, Freight Forwarders and Shippers to assist them in evaluating the reliability of the company requesting credit.
To obtain your U-BP Number for free is very simple, you need the following:
- Business name
- Brand or trade name
- Fiscal address
- Physical address
- Phone number
- Names and titles of at least three executives
- Number of employees
- Type of Business
- Logo (optional)
- History of your company (optional)
- Commercial references (optional)
- Branches, with their addresses and contact details (optional)
- DOT Number – If applies
How can I request my U-BP Number?
Free U-BP Number
Xpress U-BP number
You can get your U-BP Number within 24 hours.